Group exhibition Scripts of the Shifting Bodies in Kunsthalle gallery in Bratislava and my instalation work "Grey zone".
"These artists share an interest in introspection, the gaze into oneself, via which they are nonetheless attentively observing the world. They are concerned with inter-human convergence or divergence, the alienation or mutability of bodies. Corporality voices itself in their work, as a psychosomatic consequence of functioning in a society saturated with information: a result of our limited attention span and the pressure on us to perform and to work incessantly. To be always available and responding. They seek strategies of adjustment to this situation, ranging from escapism through the naming of taboo phenomena, revolt, contemplation, converting to irony, ritualisation..."
Lýdia Pribišová

"Andrea Rošková took as the starting point intimate experience with her own diagnosis. She approaches the lived reality of pain and bodily illness and insensitive treatment by the state medical care system. The installation, a setting entitled Grey Zone, is testimony to a quest for inner harmony in confrontation with a hyper-consumerist society, which is saturated with chemically modified foodstuffs and where overuse of medical drugs is rife. The artist reflects on Rachel Botsman’s idea of “distributed trust”, which she regards as useful for comprehending the grey zone that fills the space between her self and her own body, as well as between her body and the medical approach to it."
Lýdia Pribišová
Lýdia Pribišová
Diploma works by Matúš Pisarčík, Dušan Prekop and Andrea Rošková were produced under the guidance of Anton Čierny and Jaroslav Kyša in the Studio of Spatial Communications +; diploma works by Dorota Brázdovičová and Ondřej Houšťava under the guidance of Martin Piaček and Dávid Koronczi in Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public).
All texts are by Lýdia Pribišová / Kunsthalle.
Photos 1,2,8,10: Adam Šakový